Get more assistance with your life situations with a little bit of help. Aqua Star Goddess’s spiritual work is the act of receive help by way of alchemy.
While Aqua Star Goddess knows that ritual work can aid you in your process to seeking success in your desires she believes it is important to do all that you can in your physical life and more importantly in your MINDSET before using the help of alchemy. Spell work takes time to work and it will be of little consequence if you get your desires via spell work and lose it down the line due to your inability to maintain the energy required to stay in the energy of your desires. Be sure to work on self love and maintaining a positive throughout the process to keep you in the energy of allowing your desires to manifest more quickly.
Work offered:
Hex Breaking
Protection Work
Healing Ritual Work
Karmic Debt Release
Money Manifestation
Self Love Healing
Communication Work
Success Work
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